Wednesday, January 4, 2012

discovering. thank you!

Dear Liz,
I cannot imagine a better new year's gift than this blog. A loving space to visit, to rest in, to take nourishment in. To take heart in. I think I shall be here often this year. To sit with you a moment, and to be very consciously thankful. This is a lovely room. Thank you for the keys to it, and for wanting to be in it. !
I'm so glad you liked the oatmeal jar. :) Thank you for photographing it right in its new perfect home.

Forgive me for taking this long to appear here; I have been purposely avoiding the computer, just being here with the family. Tomorrow, I go back to New York... a perfect time to receive the comfort of your gift.

I like the color-explosion cover of the Matt Redman album. And am listening to the song right now. Thank you. What a glorious new years song. 10,000 reasons. ...

To think of you on your couch -- with the best reason in the WORLD to be on a couch. This is a glory. How are you feeling? Have you told family yet? I am eager to hear how you are, wonder if you could talk soon...

I have been reading Ezekiel, finding much rich meat in there every time. And pondering aspects of the story of Christ's coming. Mary's song. Simeon's words. I've been writing some simple songs of those pieces of the story, to process.

I've been thinking about what a wretched, dead-in-sin person I was -- looking at old belongings, old writings, at my parents' house brings back memories of my heart, of its sinfulness.
There are 10,000 reasons for me to praise Him for calling me out, for calling me His, and for promising that I'm forgiven, clean, redeemed, repurposed. His.

I need a lot of help to be 'happy.' To call my deepest heart's attention to the secure hope we hold, or rather that holds us. To call my attention to who Christ is and what that means. To rip me up out of despair and self-focus. To silence the voice of the accuser and replace it with songs of GLORY. So here we are, to help each other. To say that it isn't about what we do, what list we check off or what justification we can make for our own existence. Life is a thank you, a walk of obedience and worship. I'm so glad we are in it together, Liz!!

One of the 10,000 reasons I should be praising God for the past few weeks. : is Wynnie. New life. Sweet simplicity. Tremendous complexity.

I am praying for you as you think about these things, and wait. ... your Father cares for you as the tenderest father of a baby ever could.

Love you, Liz! Happy new year. So glad we are here. your kate.